Can't believe it's almost the end of the month and this is my first post of the year... I guess the snow had a bigger impact than I thought.
Nevertheless, today was a busy day. I more or less finished off the reconstruction of the raised beds... deconstruction started on New Year's Day. When I put them down last spring I knew that I would probably have to redo them, so anyway this was my starting point...
I took them apart, dug over the whole plot and tried to get it level.
Not as easy as it sounds. I actually measured the plot for the first time and realised that it is narrower at one end than the other, plus it is higher at one end... so, after fiddling around with a spirit level for far too long I gave up and just left it for another day. This was few days later...
... then the proper snow came. So I didn't manage to get out there again till today... not totally due to the snow, I'm a busy girl after all.
So, back to today... I secured them all as level as I could get them, added manure (to the ones that won't be home to the root veg), topped them up with multi-purpose compost (well I ran out, so a couple of them need further topping up, which is why they are more or less finished!), bark chipped the pathways and hey presto!
Ready for the imminent planting of garlic and shallots.