Tuesday 23 March 2010

And now for something completely different

Ginger. I was in the garden centre yesterday and came across some grow your own ginger... why not? I thought. There was limited information on the packet about what to do with it and advice was to consult a gardening book for further guidance.

So that's what I did, only to find that my numerous collection of gardening books don't have any information on how to grow it.

So I quickly checked the internet, found a lot more information and discovered that most people actually grow it from the shop bought roots. Randomly, my gardening mag did an article on grow your own stir fry back in 2008 and there was a small piece about ginger in there. 

Anyway, this is what it looked like before planting:

Following what seems to be best practice I found a large tub, filled it with compost and gave it a good soaking before placing the root (or rhizome) about  5cm deep.

Just need to remember to keep it moist, out of the cold, feed it regularly and hopefully I'll be harvesting new roots in the autumn.

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