Sunday, 10 July 2011

Eek! What happened to my potato plant?

My walk around the garden yesterday morning discovered a very unhealthy looking potato plant

I had a dig around in the bag and found the specimen that is sitting on top of the soil in the picture so was praying that everything else beneath the soil would be okay.

When I emptied it out, there was quite a haul of healthy looking tubers.

Whilst I am pleased that the crop wasn't ruined these were charlottes, my second earlies and I have 3 sacks of first earlies to get through before I wanted to start on these ones.

Another case of why did this happen? The soil wasn't too wet or too dry; the rest of the charlotte (and other potato) plants are fine in their sacks; they have all been treated the same way and seem to be thriving.

Guess I will never know...

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