Sunday, 24 April 2011

What is it with Peppers?

If you have read March & April Roundup, you will have noticed that I have sown more than 135 chilli and sweet peppers (if you include the ones that I sowed in January & February).

From all of those sowings I have a grand total of 1 bellboy, 1 ozarowska, 4 chilli shake and 2 apache plants. 

1 rokita germinated and then promptly died off and I have absolutely no idea what I am doing wrong... I tried combinations of new seed, old seed, saved seed, modules, small pots, sowing compost, multi-purpose compost, unheated propagator, heated propagator, windowsill, cold greenhouse... and still very poor germination rates?! The plants that have germinated came from saved seed and I'm now concerned that they won't fruit. Who said growing your own was simple?

So, for the second year running I have purchased pepper plants. A visit to the garden centre resulted in 3 bellboy, 3 sweet long (never heard of that before), 1 apache and 1 jalepeno

Then on the way home from there I stopped off at the supermarket and they were selling plants too?! So I came home with 3 luteus (never heard of that one either), 1 cayenne, I cheyenne and 1 scotch bonnet

So, there is still hope for my traffic light chilli jam this year.

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