Sunday, 20 February 2011


When I first started growing my own, I never intended herbs to be part of my repertoire... I hardly ever cooked with fresh herbs so would only buy them if a specific recipe called for them.

However, over the past few years they have become a more regular feature in my cooking as it has been easy to pop into the garden and pick a few leaves to add to whatever happens to be on the hob at the time... and I must say, you can't beat fresh thyme thrown into risotto at the last minute or a beef joint roasted with fresh rosemary.

I currently have coriander, sage, rosemary and thyme (sounds almost like the song) that seems to have survived the winter so to add to my herb garden I sowed some basil (sweet genovese & red leaved) and parsley in pots in the greenhouse today.

I also sowed a few experimental romana bougival lettuce seeds in the greenhouse. These were given to me last year but without any growing instructions and I never managed to produce anything substantial out of them. I did a quick internet search and I believe it is a cos type lettuce that can be sown quite early in the year, so thought I may as well get started with it and see what happens.


Parsnips aren't the easiest root to get started and after my lack of success last year I am determined to get some this time around.

So, today I started with a brand new pack of tender and true seeds... if what people say is correct, I don't want to be using old seed. I sunk the tubes from some toilet rolls into the soil which was already moist and had been nicely warmed up by the sun, and sowed a solitary seed into each tube before covering over with soil and patting it down.

All I can do now is wait...

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Outdoor Aliums

The alium family seem to be doing okay in the raised beds. There are lost of green shoots, mainly on the garlic and troy onions, but the others aren't far behind.

Maybe the ice & snow haven't done as much damage as I first feared.

In the Potting Shed

My potting shed is now home to my chitting potatoes; a first early, a second early and a main crop. Sharpe's Express is a new variety for me, I chose it because it was advertised as a good all-rounder.

Charlotte is a tried and tested variety which is consistent so I thought I'd stick with it.

Desiree is another new variety for me which I picked instead of Rooster this year... just thought I'd try something different.

I have also re-potted my second attempt at cranberries. These two red star plants arrived a week or so ago in 9 inch pots so I thought they could do with a bit more room... a couple of handfulls of ericaceous compost later and they are looking quite healthy in their new pots.

I have also moved the early sown tomatoes, chillis and aubergine out there.

I also started my February sowing out there with 15 sweet pepper plants; 3 each of corno rosso, ozarowska, diablo, bellboy and california wonder

I'm really hoping it's not too cold for them all.